Mining Pool Shoot Out – Day 02

Flawless day for NiceHash and Mining Dutch with GranatGas having a small blip just after midnight. Should be a good payday today, so lets see….



NiceHash Day 2

Pool Daily Earn0.00600815
Pool Total Earn0.01380890
Received in Wallet0.0
Total in wallet0.0

Even with Zero issues at NiceHash today the pool is down 0.0017926BTC on yesterdays earnings, you can see this is the graph Ave profit displayed at 0.0060,  Still nothing in my wallet from NiceHash but that’s due to the Once-a-Week pay-outs on Fridays

NiceHash Day 2
NiceHash Day 2


NiceHash Day 2 Stats
NiceHash Day 2 Stats


Mining Dutch

Mining Dutch Day 2

Pool Daily Earn0.00603765
Pool Total Earn0.01191420
Received in Wallet0.00684717
Total in wallet0.01057176

Slightly down on yesterdays earning but not by much, the coins and trading bots they must use seem to be consistent at least. Reliability means even profits and continuous profits. I can see on the Wallet tab on the pools website I still have some coin to convert to BTC and this is approx. difference between my “pool total earns” and “running total in wallet” amounts

Dutch Mining Day 2 Stats
Dutch Mining Day 2 Stats



Pool Daily Earn0.00441724
Pool Total Earn0.00735290
Received in Wallet0.00441724
Total in wallet0.00735290
  • Pool Daily Earn:                             0.00205076
  • Pool Total Earn:                             0.00709230
  • Received in Wallet today:              0.00451724
  • Running Total in wallet:                 0.00745290

With just a small blip in mining today, GranatGas had another bad day. Not sure what is going on with this pool as I had heard so many good things about it. The total pool earnings are half that of NiceHash and its only day 2!!!

Come on GranatGas, Sort you scripts and bots out

Granatgas Day 2
Granatgas Day 2


GranatGas Day 2 - Stats
GranatGas Day 2 – Stats


Day 2 Thoughts

Another bad day for GranatGas, with BTC only half that of NiceHash. I was rooting for GranatGas as I was hoping the small underdog would be the corporate giant but so it doesn’t not look good. If they don’t improve ill have to drop them as they are costing me too much money in lost revenue lol

Mining Dutch as reliable as ever and earning steady just behind NiceHash