Open IE with Multiple Tabs

If, like me, you have a few miners and are getting bored with opening lots of IE pages to view the interface portal, this is a handy tip for you.

Its actually handy if you just need to open lots of websites on multiple tabs on one session of IE

Create a new file on your desktop and call it

Miners GO.js

Now edit the file in Notepad and add the following text.

var navOpenInBackgroundTab = 0x1000;
var oIE = new ActiveXObject(“InternetExplorer.Application”);
oIE.Navigate2(“”, navOpenInBackgroundTab);
oIE.Navigate2(“”, navOpenInBackgroundTab);
oIE.Navigate2(“”, navOpenInBackgroundTab);
oIE.Navigate2(“”, navOpenInBackgroundTab);
oIE.Navigate2(“”, navOpenInBackgroundTab);
oIE.Visible = true;

Here you can see I have 6 entry lines for my 6 miners. Each one has its own static IP address set on the Miner so I have no issues with loosing a miner due to DHCP. You can change my address for you local miner addresses and add or remove as many lines as you need. To get your miners address, open as normal in IE and once on the interface page copy the URL direct from the URL line and paste into the script file.


Now when you click on the icon on your desk top 1 browser will open with 6 tabs each with a miners interface.